Kaala Sehrtu

Alchemist. Baker. Healer.

One who has lost herself in the fog of her own mind...

Last Updated: March 3rd, 2022


On the Surface

  • Race, Clan: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon

  • Age: Somewhere between late 20's and early 30's (Kaala doesn't remember how old she is, and she doesn't particularly care.)

  • Gender: Female (She/Her)

  • Professions: Alchemist, Designer & Baker of Recreational Edibles, Healer

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Relationship Style: Comet Polyamory

  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

  • Body Type: 5'3.8", Pear Shaped

  • Deities: Menphina the Lover & Kahlzec the Rabbit


Kaala is a bit of an oddball who may seem flighty and out of touch with reality. It's difficult for her to focus on any singular person or object for long. This lack of focus is occasionally interrupted by moments of hyperfixation, and, typically, it can only be achieved when she's healing or working in her lab. If there's a puzzle, she wants to solve it. Even then, it's touch and go.
This miqo'te is very passionate about her work, but her bedside manner leaves a lot to be desired: too blunt when a gentle delivery would do and too quiet when the situation calls for more detail. Despite how scatterbrained she seems, she's a valuable ally if one can handle attempting a connection.

  • Straddles the line between her lost clan's beliefs and the science of her work.

  • Misses her lost Clan and tries to keep their memory alive as best she can.

  • Believes she met Menphina herself and made a life-changing trade. If only she could remember what was exchanged...

  • Refuses to eat or use any part of rabbit anatomy.

Hooks & Whispers

Roleplay Hooks

Energy Vampire
Those with aetheric sensitivity might notice something subtly amiss with Kaala's erratic aether: it seems to be slowly leaking from her. If they watch or sense closely, they might even notice how she draws aether from those around her. She might even try to steal a little aether from you.
Friendly Neighborhood Drug Dealer
Kaala caters and delivers recreational edibles to clients new and old through her business: Pie in the Sky Bakery. Alternatively, she can provide a variety of alchemical products and healing services.
Unresolved Issues
Kaala's tribe was wiped out by Garleans when she was a child, and she's never fully allowed herself to process that. As a result, there's a sleeper hatred for Garleans buried deep within her just waiting to surface.


"She's clearly fried her brain on her own products!""I ate one of those treats, and I flew out of my body straight to another world! It was awesome! I wish I could remember what it was...""A lancer just... melted when she threw a potion at him... Self-defense or not, she seemed a far too delighted with the results.""Sure, she's a little weird, but she gave me a salve that healed me so well I didn't even scar!""There's something not right about those potions she's brewing, something not right about her, either."


A lalafell with a wicked smile.

Hirokuli Zerokuli

This lalafell has been in Kaala's life for almost as long as she's been out of her fugue state. He's helped her through some aetherically difficult times, and she's helped heal him more than once. Hiro has also been a regular customer. She considers him to be her closest friend.

Zhayna Moshal

The only other living member from the lost Clan Laprine. Kaala struggles to keep their bond due to their differences in disposition and priorities. She does still value this connection and wants to keep it alive. She simply doesn't have the energy to keep it up all the time.

Future Friends

While there aren't many here, she's trying to foster more connections!

Out of Character

Looking For

  • Casual RP: This could grow into long term arcs and connections. I do my best to juggle both my offline and my online lives, but I ask for patience and understanding during the entire process.

  • Friendship: Hopefully ones that can span IC and OoC because that makes for more comfortable rp for me. Kaala especially could use some positive vibes in her life.

  • Enemies & Rivalries: For IC only. Kaala rubs plenty of people the wrong way, and it would be fun to have some people in her life who instill competition or negative feelings.

  • 25+ Players; 21+ Characters

  • Dark/Mature Themes

  • Fluff

  • Lore Abiding with Some Flexibility

  • Underage Players/Characters

  • Pregnancy Arcs

  • On Screen N/C

  • Fetish Characters


  • Scheduled RP: Setting aside a specific day/time for rp helps me mentally prepare as well as time-manage better than walk-ups. I tend to keep my rp tag off unless I'm in a scheduled session.

  • Length: I am adaptable to both paragraphs and quick back-and-forth. They both have their places, sometimes in the same rp.

  • One Universe: I only have enough brain storage for one universe for my characters. I won't write AU rp except as solo, writing prompts.

  • Barrier Bleed: I'm open to friendships crossing over, but I'd like my FFXIV connections to go no further than platonic. Thank you for understanding.

  • Multi-Platform: I prefer to rp in game, but I'm also open to rping in Discord or in Guilded provided we can complete a full scene in one session. I'm prone to losing focus and forgetting to respond if it spans multiple, real-world days.

Age 32

Kaala Sehrtu@Balmung
Ask Me!
Ask Me!


CST (UTC-6:00)
At this time,my job is night shift anywhere from 40 to 60 hour weeks. My work schedule changes according to the job's needs. I will be working anywhere from 11pm-11am on any given day.Let's schedule something to make sure we get time together!

Pie in the Sky

Welcome to Pie in the Sky Bakery where aetheric and alchemical concoctions are baked into reality-bending, mind-altering - but still delicious! - treats!If what you're really after is more of a healer's touch, we have you covered there, too. Peruse our Other Services, set up a free consultation, or make an appointment today!

Kaala Sehrtu uses an intersection of Conjury and Alchemy to provide practical care to alter, to enhance, and to heal.Some offerings:

  • Aether Sessions

  • Addiction Reversal Potions

  • Antidotes

  • Battle Potions

  • Enhancement Potions

  • Healing Elixirs, Eye Drops, Potions, & Salves

  • Sleeping Drafts

  • Warding Potions

  • Blackroot Rose

  • Dreamweed

  • Milkroot

  • Moko Grass

  • Sabotender Flower Salves

  • Somnus

  • Blinding Potions

  • Paralyzing Potions

  • Poisons

  • Silencing Potions